MPSC Exams Application Forms And Guidelines

Guidelines to Fill In MPSC Exams Application Form

1. Write the year of the MPSC Exam in the requisite box (the year will be mentioned in the Advertisement of 2011 MPSC Exams).

2. Write the Centre Code Number which is provided in the Information Brochure.

3. Write the name of the Examination for which you are appearing (this will be mentioned in the Advertisement of MPSC Exam).

4. Write your name in capital letters in the requisite boxes, leaving one box blank between each part of the name. Begin with the surname, then your name, and last your middle name. You must not put in any initials or abbreviations, but your full name. Also, do not put Mr., Mrs., Shri, etc at the beginning. In case your name has changed in any way, or part of it has been dropped, after matriculation / S.S.C., then you need to submit a copy of the Gazette Notification to that effect. 

5. Write your father's name / mother's name in the requisite boxes. A married woman candidate must write father's name + name after marriage in the appropriate column.

6. Write your complete postal address in capital letters in the requisite boxes for address for communication. You must not write the address of your study training center.

7. Write your date of birth in figures only in the requisite boxes. Make sure that this date of birth is the same as given in your Matriculation or equivalent certificate.

8. Darken the circle which marks your gender.

9. Darken the circle to mark the community to which you belong.

10. Darken the circle which indicates if you are a physically challenged individual, and mention relevant details as per the medical certificate of a competent authority.

11. If you are an ex-serviceman, you need to mention the total number of years of eligible service and other fields.

12. You must provide the date of declaration of the result of your educational qualification (this is mentioned in the advertisement as prescribed qualification) and higher qualification too if applicable.

13. Write the Optional Subjects Code Number (s) of the choice you have taken. These codes are provided in the MPSC Exams Information Brochure in Part-2. 

14. If you have any higher education qualification, such as M.Phil, Ph.D, etc, you can darken the appropriate circle given for the purpose.

15. Make sure that you post your photograph neatly. The photograph should not have any kind of mark on it and should be a clear photograph. Please do not pin or staple the photograph to the MPSC Exam Application Form

Important Note: The information provided in this article is basic information on MPSC Exams Maharashtra. Readers are advised to check out the MPSC Website [link given below] or contact the MPSC Office for complete details & not rely solely on the information provided in this article.

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